Listening, of course, involves hearing, but do we really hear? Do we really listen?  We listen/hear conversations, we hear music, we hear noises, but do we listen with other parts of our bodies?  Sometimes when I listen to really good music, whether it has words or not, I can feel the music in my heart.  I listen with my ears and eyes, I can picture what I am hearing, for instance now as I am typing this I am listening to music with nature sounds.  I can see the waves crashing on the shore, I see the birds flying over head, I can smell the salty air, I feel the heat of the sun.
We don't take enough time each day to really, really take in our environment, maybe while we are on vacation
then we may sit on the beach and close our eyes and take in what is around us.  But everyday is an opportunity to be able to do this.  If you live in a big city, you may hear traffic, walk by a coffee shop and hear the people outside enjoying sitting and talking to friends, laughing, crying, or just being silent.

Sometimes at night when I can't sleep, if it's nice outside I will open my window and listen to what is going on outside, mostly I hear traffic because we live near a major street, but in between the cars, when it is quite I can hear an owl and sometimes there is 2 of them that will 'hoot' back and forth to each other.
During the day at my house at anytime you can walk outside and hear birds everywhere, calling to their own, or communicating to others that this is my territory.  Everything has a sound, but sometimes it may be something we don't want to hear, a car with a loud muffler, a t.v. or stereo that is blaring,  if it's too loud it can be uncomfortable.

But really try this week and in the coming months to take time to use your sense of hearing, it is a wonderful gift from God that not everyone has received. Some of us are blessed with great hearing, like myself, I have very sharp hearing and can hear the tiniest of sounds, sometimes this is great, other times not so much. Others may not be so lucky to have good hearing or be able to hear at all.  Take advantage of it, use it, and enjoy it.

Until next time, make every moment, action, word, or deed count.
Next time I will address the sense of smell        MMM
So it has been a while since I have really had anything to blog about and even now I do and I don't
Hummm, you are wondering??? What does this mean?
I have a lot of things going on in my life that I am not ready to reveal, but all in good time my pretty,
all in good time.

Life definitely keeps me on my toes, it comes and goes, so quickly.
In just 27 days my nephew is getting married, even though I didn't give birth to and raise
him, to me, the time has flown by so quick.  I have been involved in his life since day one.
He has really grown up and proven himself to be an outstanding, responsible young man.
So that is one thing that has been going on to think about, looking for a dress to wear and
shoes to go with it.

The other thing that is major right now, I am not able to really go into about, but someday it
will come out. 
It's sad how you can work hard for something, hang on to that something and then have to let
it go if that's what needs to be done.
Everyday when you get out of bed, you have a chance to start all over, ask forgiveness, make a
wrong right, make a new friend, help an old friend or you never know what that day will bring, it
will you give you unlimited opportunties to start a fresh.

So make everyday count to the best of your abilities.........

I went to the specialist on Tuesday, and there was really nothing new to do.  He just said keep doing what you are doing.  I was disappointed of course, I was hoping that something new may have been discovered or there was something new to try but that was not the case.

So I will continue to live my life without complaint and would comply with my doctors, but I won't give up 
hope and will also continue to search for answers on my own.

I know that there is a source of Power much bigger than any medical institutions out there and will always have
faith in that.

Until next time make every minute count...........MMM
To avoid any Monday madness, I got the opportunity to spend some time this weekend out in nature with the bright sun shining on my head (boy do I need the vitamin D) and the stress relief.  Or maybe just maybe I'll
skip Monday and go
straight for Tuesday.  Well the latter is not possible but this week my madness will actually be on Tuesday.
For those of you that know me well, know that I have a rare blood disorder that I have been battling for almost
3 years.  On Tuesday morning I will have the chance to visit one of Florida's finest medical/teaching facilities.
I will be going there to seek a second opinion on my condition and to hopefully get advice that will change my 
course of treatment so that I may have better quality of life.  I don't think I will find a cure, but will be happy
to be able to maybe have a different treatment plan.

 Over the course of  3 years I have endured 3 surgeries and many many needle sticks, sometimes 3 or 4
per one appointment.  As I sit there in my chair watching other patients go through their own private 
tortures I think to myself that I am thankful that I am not having poisons pumped into my body hoping
against all odds that that drip of meds will save, cure, or prolong my life.  I have had a lot of pain  but 
never once do I complain, I am thankful that I don't have to fight for my life everyday like someone with
cancer.  I don't know what this condition that I have will do to my body in the long term, I know the risk
and know what could happen if I don't stay on top of it but I do know that it is not destroying my body
one cell at a time.  I pray for those people that I see around me and hope that their suffering is for not,
I hope that someday their hair will grow back and that they will be well and strong again to take a fun
vacation, or live to see their children or grandchildren grow up, or that they will get to grow up and go to 

No one is promised tomorrow, you may not even get to finish today, but I will strive to keep appreciating all the time I do have.
I want to get to keep taking pictures of nature and hopefully one day get to see
them publish (okay big dream) but hey you never know.
Until next time make it ALL count...............MMM

oh and speaking of pictures I knew you would all be waiting for them here's a couple that I did
take on Saturday

Sometimes something happens that just completely takes you by surprise, it almost sucks the wind
right out of you lungs.  You have no control over it, you may have control over the outcome some
what but not completely.
You don't know what to do, you ask friends for advice or they give words of encouragement, but
it is still up to you to make up your mind as to which direction you will go.

Life can be cruel, as can people, which neither one can not be controlled.  You can make choices that
affect the rest of your life at a very young age, mostly I am speaking of your teen and early twenties
years.  At that time you may ask friends or family members for advice or they may give it to you
whether you want it or not, some times it is heeded and other times not.  If we could all look
ahead to the future at that time, or look back to the past later on, we would probably make some
very wise decisions.

It sounds so easy to say, choose your friends wisely, choose how you treat people, choose your
careers carefully, but things can happen so fast that you may have to make split second decisions
or you may think that you are making a good choice, to only find out later on that those decisions
weren't the best.  I am not saying that you will be perfect everytime and it is necessary to sometimes
make mistakes to learn for in the future.  As a child, our parents would sometimes step aside and
let you make that final choice, of course they would not put you in danger of losing life or limb but
you may have lost a little diginity or pride.

If you are a person of faith,  whether you pray or not, or to whomever you believe in, it is always
wise to enter into anything with prayerful consideration, or seeking out counsel.
Either way be prepared to live with whatever the result of your choice is.  You may or may not
be able to correct it if it does not turn out the way you wanted it to.

Trust in your heart, listen to your head, and heed advice from someone who may have been there once
or maybe an expert in that field of knowledge.  Never just jump in with both feet or take off running,
because you may not land standing up or you could trip and fall.

Make every moment count
I had the opportunity this weekend to spend some time with a friend that I have not seen it quite sometime.
We had a nice breakfast and than went to Payne's Prarie to enjoy the beautiful weather and to hopeful
capture some photographs of nature.
Well the weather cooperated but nature did not.  We didn't get to see much we heard lots of frogs and
could hear the Sandhill Cranes, and actually snapped a quick shot of some flying over.
But it was great to be with a friend and to catch up on life.

Somewhere that you may not suspect to come across rude people so often is in your work place, but it seems more and more these days myself and others are experiencing this.
I have always tried to get along and respect all that I work with, for one, because you know that you may be working with these people for years and I like to form relationships with those around me so that I may count on them for assistance, whether it's  for job duties or may be it's just someone to talk to to work out a problem, share a funny moment or something longer lasting, a true friendship.
It maybe said too much, but really it can't be said enough, treat others how you want to be treated, it's as simple as that.  Take a moment to think about what you are going to say or how you are going to say it, but if it does come out sharp, an apology is always the quick and easy fix.  A sincere "I'm sorry" or a pat on the back and a smile sometimes can be all it takes to fix the hole it can leave.
It can't make the 'rude' persons job any easier, it definitely doesn't make the person that the rudeness is directed at easy at all.  Think about this, if you are rude to someone, do you think that person is going to be so eager to help you the next time you maybe in a jam and really need some help.
We all have bad days,  don't feel well, had a fight with your spouse, whatever it is but also when you take that
attitude to work with you, you are not 100% focus on your job duties.  You hope that the surgeon that is holding that scalpel or the police officer in a car chase, is totally thinking about the job at hand.

Gainesville Police Department, I know for a fact that even 43yrs later he is 
still talked about and admired.  Now that is someone doing the best at 
their job.

I am not here to point fingers or say that I have never be frustrated with a co-worker myself, but I do try everyday to make a conscience effort to do my job the best that I can, I really am a people person and love
to help someone out whenever I can.

So the next time you are at work, tell your co-workers you hope they have a nice day, help them out whenever and with whatever you can, and keep your focus on your job and be the best of the best at it.
I think that this is my first real 'madness' blog I have written. I like to keep things light and funny, but sometimes you need to be serious and address the issues that need addressing.
EVERYONE, have a great week, make somebody's day, and make it count.
I laughed when my eye doctor told me that "when you turn 40, you'll need bi-focals."  Bi what?
Are you kidding?  I ride a bi-cycle, I shop to "bi" but I will not wear bi-focals.  And if by some cruel,
planned out joke, I kid you not on or around my 40th b-day I started to squint.
So for the last 5 yrs, my tail has been tucked between my legs, as I slunk around in my bi-focals.
You should see me trying to walk down the stairs, don't ever look down through the bottom of your 
glasses as you are doing this unless you want your butt to beat your head to the bottom of the stairs.
Now my doctor is talking tri-focals, oh well you can forget that junk.  Uh uh, ain't gonna happen on
this kid's face.
Well anyway just a few weeks ago I purchased a new pair of glasses, I am quite proud of them,
I feel like I have become a little more modern and stylish (hey it helps, okay)
So here they are, let me know what ya'll think.

I don't take the greatest of pictures, but get passed the 'I am mad at the world look', and let me know if these are  a good pair for me.  So far I have received lots of positive comments.
For those of you that don't know me well, or may but don't know this fact, I have had to wear glasses since I was 2 yrs old.  Boy, I look back at some of those old pictures from childhood and school photos and trust me these are a vast improvement.
I begged my mom when I was in high school, well not begged, but asked for a pair of contacts.  I guess she felt I wasn't ready to handle them, so with that, my very first job that I worked at the University of Florida, I saved my money and bought them myself.  I was 18 at that time, I couldn't believe how 'liberating' they were, until you have to clean them and sterlize them and soak them and carry around bottles of solution, but hey I was the bomb.
Well as I have grown and matured I have come to realize that I am all about simplicity.  So I have resigned myself to the fact that I have and always will need and wear glasses.  I will just try better to keep up with the current styles, but these little suckers are EXPENSIVE!!

so until next time, if you haven't had an eye exam lately, please do so. Have a great day and make it count.
Well I jumped the gun about my Monday, boy I really counted my chickens before they hatched.
I went to bed Sunday night, never to sleep, I was awake all night with a severe headache and leg
pain.  Not wanting to go into to much detail here, I have a rare blood condition that from time to
time causes me pretty severe symptoms and the only relief I get from it is to have blood taken 
called a (phlebotomy).  First thing this a.m. (Monday) I called my doctor's office and they could
not get me in until Tuesday a.m.  I could not wait until then, so I took matters into my own hands
and went to Civitan to donate blood.  It work out well because I was able to get relief and to 
hopefully help someone else out at the same time.
So not to complain at all I feel blessed to be able to have access to doctors and other medical 
professionals when I need them and to have the insurance to pay for it all.
But it is a little scary to not know when the next episode will strike.  But I am thankful to have a 
terrific husband that is there for me and supports me and to drive me when I can't.

So my week is off and running.  Hope yours is a good one and that eveything goes good for all.
Until next time.........have a great one and make it count.
I hope that Monday won't be to maddening, if that's a word, because my weekend wasn't so great.
Saturday morning woke up with a headache, which wasn't to bad at first, but as the day wore on it's
intensity grew.  I had picked up my friend Ingrid, who is elderly and getting very frail, and took her
to church with mom and me.  I could hardly keep it together during the service, if it weren't for me
being responsible for her, I would have left to come home.
Than Saturday evening my mom and I were suppose to have gone over to my sister's for dinner,
I sent my mom on without me.
But Sunday morning dawned a little clearer and headache free.  I was able to get my laundry done
for the week and do some other household chores (what a bore).  So here I sit waiting for Monday.

Still no sign of the bluebird couple, hope they do come back soon.

Well everyone have a good week, hope it goes well for all. until next time.....make it count

The bluebirds were spotted today checking out their home for the spring.
Every year we have a bluebird couple that have been staying in our 'See Rock City'
We so look forward to their arrival each year, and seeing them  build their nest and
take care of their babies.
This is Mrs Blue from last year, working on the nest.  They actually got
used to me be being out their and taking pictures.
I even was lucky enough to be out there the day that babies fledged from
the nest and the family took to the skies to go back to where they had
originally come from.

After my mom cleaned out their house, we found the nest 
and it still had an egg in it, I suspect that there may have been 
3 babies but one didn't make it.

This is the two babies after they flew out of the nest, as soon as they 
did the parents flew up on the wire to join them and than they all 
flew off together. 

The picture here is the male at the birdbath, I wasn't standing to far away when taking this picture, both the male and the female visited it and let me take their pictures.
To become a good friend you need patience, understanding, good ears, (sometimes a closed mouth), a quick smile, a warm hug. 
You don't need lots of money, fancy cars or clothes.  You can sit and talk or listen for free, linger over cups of coffee or tea.
When the weather is warm, you could go for a walk, just soak in the scenery, you don't need to talk.
One day when it's your turn that you need a friend, than that person will stick
with you til the end.

have a great day, make a new friend, or help an old one.
until next time, make it count MMM
just a quick little blog to bring to everyone's attention. click on the fish to the right and you can feed them, thought this was a cute little thing to have.

good day to everyone MMM
Well Monday rolled around again and so far so good, no major catastrophies. I would say that I had a somewhat productive weekend in that I purchased 2 new pair of pants for work. That is a major feat in that I was trying not to spend a fortune on them and finding some to fit me. Well eureka (!) I finally had some luck.

Work is really cracking down on what we wear and we actually have to buy our own uniform shirts, they are not provided. The quality of the shirts has diminshed and the price has gone up. I have always felt, as some of my other co-workers, that if we are forced to wear a certain item to work that they should at least provide some of them for us, but that 'ain't' gonna happen.

The last pair I bought was a really lame brand called "Khakis" they shrunk to high water status and the material is really 'cheesy'.

Okay I am like the next girl, I like to buy clothes, but not work clothes. I wish that we could wear, at least once a week, "normal" clothes, so I could feel dressed up. Even on Fridays before a football game we can't wear a gator shirt unless it's a collared shirt, well guess what, the shirts we wear everyday are a collared shirt............BIG DEAL !

Well anyway got my new pants, and then sometime soon I will have to go to the uniform store to order my new shirts, yeah, they even make us pay for the embroidery we have to have on the shirt..........will it ever end?

Have a great week, wear something fancy for me this week, until next time, make it count.


this is me in comfortable clothes


I received a balloon on November 17th the day before my anniversary, so you all are probably thinking 'that's nice, she received a balloon' BUT this balloon is still floating straight up. There were two other balloons that didn't last 2 weeks, but this one is still standing tall. The reason I am mentioning this is because this balloon was the one that said "I love you", not the "Happy Anniversary ones.

It reminds me everyday that someone loves me and cares about me. I have a special husband that takes his time to remember me on special days and he also remembered my favorite flowers, which by the way are sunflowers. But back to the balloon, it also reminds me of another Person that loves me and His infinite love, it is always straight up and He remembers everything about us, He knows our wants and needs, are weakness and strengths,

He remembers all our special days.

Anytime you get a chance to tell someone you love them, like them, or were just thinking of them DO IT! Whether you send flowers, balloons, a text or just call never waste the opportunity. This past weekend I went to a bridal shower and we had to give the bride advice for her marriage, the advice I gave was to surprise each other with little gifts and notes even when it is not a special occassion.

It always makes a person feel loved and special when they are remembered.
So until next time, have a great day and make it count. MMM

p.s. it is still amazing that this balloon has floated for 2 months, think I'll call Ripley.
Well Monday didn't kill me and I am in a better mood today. My friend Melissa said she would find my hair stuff I have been looking for and get it for me this weekend. My next conquest is to
get a good flat iron for my hair.
When I got ready to leave work last nite I looked at the gas gauge and saw it was on 'E', so went to get gas and than went to CVS looking for this stuff for my hair which they did not have. So that made my mood worse. So I went home with my tank 1/2 full and a toothbrush.

But I know that I shouldn't let the little things bother me, I have a home to go to, and a car to drive (though borrowed), and friends to help me through the rough spots in life. I am greatful for these things and more.

Oh and by the way, did you all see Tebow in the news in nothing but he underwear (poor fellow), but I heard a grown man carry on about him and how he looked as if he was a teenage girl, it was hysterical. Just thought I throw that in to lighten the mood.
It will be interesting to follow him over the next few years to see how he does as he becomes established in the NFL.
It is wonderful to have an exceptional role model like this young man, I hope that all his hopes and dreams come true. No one deserves it more, when you put your heart and soul into what you have work so hard all you life to achieve but have kept your perspective on where you have come from and who is the real Leader in your life. Go Tebow and Go Gators.
until next time, keep it real.

Another Monday has come and gone. For some it started out pretty rough, my husband had a break in at one of his collection centers and had to run out of the house this morning to meet with the Sheriff's office, and news about other friends issues started mine off with a bang.
Some people can be so heartless and cruel and totally selfish.
But as my day wore on it wasn't as hectic as some Mondays have been. But with that said I still ended up in a bad mood. My husband let me know that he had figured our taxes and we may end up OWING this year, YOCH! That has never happened before, and I am hoping that he figured something incorrect and it won't be so.
But still it's nice to come home to a nice warm home with food to eat and a kitty to climb on my lap b/c he missed me today and of course a husband that loves me.
So until next posting, have a good week and make it count.
Well Friday night is off and running, my started by getting to pick up my new glasses, still trying to get used to them, but I really like the way they look.

Tomorrow I and some of my family will be traveling to Daytona Beach to celebrate the pending wedding of my nephew and his fiance at their wedding shower.

All the pictures that you will see on my blogs are pictures that I have taken. I really enjoy photography and just recently have gotten back into it. When I was in high school I took a photography class and did really well. My teacher had told us at the beginning of the year that no one ever got an 'A' in his classes, I got 3. I also had a photograph entered into the Tampa State Fair along with some other classmates and we got to go see them. Mine was of a tree (black and white) but the lighting made it look like it had snow on it. That is why even today I still love b/w pictures. I wish I still had a copy of it.
Okay enough of me being a braggart, but everyone should toot their own horn, we should all display our talents because someday we may have something that someone else could use or would need.
Well here's hoping Monday isn't too crazy, but than again that's why this is called 'Maggie's Monday Madness' until then, make it count.

If you would take note of the picture here and you will see a cat, yes a cat asleep in his bed. If you read my first blog from yesterday you will remember that I mentioned him asleep in his bed, I just had to send this picture so show you all that he is in fact one spoiled, pampered cat.

Well this should be an exciting weekend, have a bridal shower to attend for my future niece-in-law. So come Monday I should have

plenty to say, until then everyone have a great, safe, happy weekend.


1/21/10 Well here goes, my first post and my first time ever blogging. I hear so much about this that I thought I would give it a go.
So, I am going to start my Monday Madness on a Thursday. If you take a moment to look at my picture I have posted here on my page you will notice that it is of a big huge black cat. This cat is obviously very special, I have dozens and dozens of pictures of him. He has a personality like no other cat I have ever owned (or has owned me). Some of my blogs may be about him and his life.
So you are asking what's this got to do with Monday, well since this week my Monday was actually on a Tuesday because of a holiday but the reason for even mentioning Monday and
cat in the same sentence is the fact the when I got ready to leave to go to work Tuesday a.m.
I looked down, on the floor, beside my bed and there curled up looking so peaceful was my cat
going back to bed after he had been fed breakfast I was thinking, what a life. To be a cat and to be secure enough knowing that someone will take care of you and protect you, that he can sleep as soundly as he does (I have heard him exhort little snores before). He does not sleep with one
eye open, nor always listening.
So after reading this and pondering it, think about this, we sleep at night comfortable in our beds, knowing that somewhere out there we are being protected and cared for. You may think that it is the police department, the military, or whatever you want, but I am looking to something much bigger than all of us.