Another Monday has come and gone. For some it started out pretty rough, my husband had a break in at one of his collection centers and had to run out of the house this morning to meet with the Sheriff's office, and news about other friends issues started mine off with a bang.
Some people can be so heartless and cruel and totally selfish.
But as my day wore on it wasn't as hectic as some Mondays have been. But with that said I still ended up in a bad mood. My husband let me know that he had figured our taxes and we may end up OWING this year, YOCH! That has never happened before, and I am hoping that he figured something incorrect and it won't be so.
But still it's nice to come home to a nice warm home with food to eat and a kitty to climb on my lap b/c he missed me today and of course a husband that loves me.
So until next posting, have a good week and make it count.
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