I laughed when my eye doctor told me that "when you turn 40, you'll need bi-focals." Bi what?
Are you kidding? I ride a bi-cycle, I shop to "bi" but I will not wear bi-focals. And if by some cruel,
planned out joke, I kid you not on or around my 40th b-day I started to squint.
planned out joke, I kid you not on or around my 40th b-day I started to squint.
So for the last 5 yrs, my tail has been tucked between my legs, as I slunk around in my bi-focals.
You should see me trying to walk down the stairs, don't ever look down through the bottom of your
glasses as you are doing this unless you want your butt to beat your head to the bottom of the stairs.
Now my doctor is talking tri-focals, oh well you can forget that junk. Uh uh, ain't gonna happen on
this kid's face.
Well anyway just a few weeks ago I purchased a new pair of glasses, I am quite proud of them,
I feel like I have become a little more modern and stylish (hey it helps, okay)
So here they are, let me know what ya'll think.I don't take the greatest of pictures, but get passed the 'I am mad at the world look', and let me know if these are a good pair for me. So far I have received lots of positive comments.
For those of you that don't know me well, or may but don't know this fact, I have had to wear glasses since I was 2 yrs old. Boy, I look back at some of those old pictures from childhood and school photos and trust me these are a vast improvement.
I begged my mom when I was in high school, well not begged, but asked for a pair of contacts. I guess she felt I wasn't ready to handle them, so with that, my very first job that I worked at the University of Florida, I saved my money and bought them myself. I was 18 at that time, I couldn't believe how 'liberating' they were, until you have to clean them and sterlize them and soak them and carry around bottles of solution, but hey I was the bomb.
Well as I have grown and matured I have come to realize that I am all about simplicity. So I have resigned myself to the fact that I have and always will need and wear glasses. I will just try better to keep up with the current styles, but these little suckers are EXPENSIVE!!
so until next time, if you haven't had an eye exam lately, please do so. Have a great day and make it count.
I think the glasses look great on you. Looking forward to next Sunday! Hugs, Marla