I received a balloon on November 17th the day before my anniversary, so you all are probably thinking 'that's nice, she received a balloon' BUT this balloon is still floating straight up. There were two other balloons that didn't last 2 weeks, but this one is still standing tall. The reason I am mentioning this is because this balloon was the one that said "I love you", not the "Happy Anniversary ones.
It reminds me everyday that someone loves me and cares about me. I have a special husband that takes his time to remember me on special days and he also remembered my favorite flowers, which by the way are sunflowers. But back to the balloon, it also reminds me of another Person that loves me and His infinite love, it is always straight up and He remembers everything about us, He knows our wants and needs, are weakness and strengths,
He remembers all our special days. Anytime you get a chance to tell someone you love them, like them, or were just thinking of them DO IT! Whether you send flowers, balloons, a text or just call never waste the opportunity. This past weekend I went to a bridal shower and we had to give the bride advice for her marriage, the advice I gave was to surprise each other with little gifts and notes even when it is not a special occassion.
It always makes a person feel loved and special when they are remembered.
So until next time, have a great day and make it count. MMM
p.s. it is still amazing that this balloon has floated for 2 months, think I'll call Ripley.
One of these days I am going to pop it, I think it is evil!